What is post-lipomatic care?

  • What is post-lipomatic care?

    What is post-lipomatic care?

    Writer: قنبرپور، محمد
    11:34 2021/10/05
    Group: Blog
    View: 150
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    What is lipomatic? An advanced method is with the lowest complications for draining topical lipids and is more accurate than liposuction method. Lipomatic is a method for reducing size.

    Lipomatic postoperative care


    Did you know that lipomatic practice is the second most beautiful surgical treatment in the world? In 2018, surgeons have done more than 250,000 liposuction and liposuction actions in the United States, so if you also consider lipomatic action, know that you are not the only one you decide to do.


    What don't you do after lipomatic?

    • Avoid taking perky and fatty foods. Also don't leave exercise.

    • For comfortable withdrawal, the rapid blood of the adolates from the body is given to people after the operation. Usage is required.

    • After performing, several hours of rest at home is required. Also walk at home slowly so that the adolescent blood will be easily left out of your body.

    • To compensate for liquids that the body is lost, the use of fluids (non-alcoholic) is appropriate and recommended.

    • Failure to use food that involves constipation.

    • Regular use of physician prescription drugs

    • Failure to use salt until postoperative

    • Avoid heavy exercise and heavy activities for a week.

    • Avoid sitting on the seat for a couple of days.

    • Inflators in the region are normal operations that are reduced after a month and are completely resolved after three months.

    • Be sure to use Sweet after surgery. It may be a painful closure, but this is very effective for the best beauty of your limb after surgery.

    • After surgery and resolving anesthetic effect, a little person feels pain that can use conventional housing to resolve pain.

    • First day after lipomatic surgery, be sure to bathe with massage during bathing. After that, you also bathe one day and use a soap and water for open pores. Then remove fluids with massage, then dry with a towel.

    • As long as the pores are open, avoid going to a sauna, jacuzzi, sea, pool or other places that are likely to contaminate.


    Lipomatic postoperative care that you need to know

    This type of surgery is typically an outpatient method, which means you can go home on the same day, but if a significant amount of fat is removed, you may have to be hospitalized in the hospital.

    Regardless of whether you have to stay a night or not, you need someone when you leave your hospital. You are likely to experience pain and effects of anesthesia or analgesic drugs, so the use of vehicles is not so safe.



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